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Sarah's Blog

Animal Stuff

Pet Obesity Awareness

Check out a video I did that appeared on Stuff.

Pet obesity is an important issue. They're part of the family and we can feel like spoiling them, so sometimes we can over treat with food. This can be detrimental to their health in more ways than one.

It's very hard, especially when they look at you with their big, cute eyes.

Smart animals can also take advantage of households where more than one person feeds them.

There can be people feeding them twice in the morning and twice at night. For example, if someone wakes up early in the morning and feeds them, the dog or cat might act as though they haven't been fed when the second person wakes up.

With cats, if they put on weight and can't groom themselves they could get very depressed.

Also, the more overweight an animal becomes, the more reluctance there is to exercise in what becomes a "vicious cycle".